Rudiments are the
building blocks of drumming technique. Knowledge of these essential patterns,
and the ability to play them fluidly at any tempo without conscious thought,
will make you a better drummer regardless of the style of music you play.
Each set of rudiments
includes the proper sticking. In some cases, opposing sticking is added.
When practicing these patterns, use a single drum or a pad, start slowly
and build speed - hold - then slow back down. Then do the opposing sticking.
It is highly recommended that you practice these patterns with a metronome.
When you have reached
facility with each pattern on a single drum, begin to develop their use
on the kit, practicing them around the various drums. See Paradiddle
Exercises for an example of how this would work with the Paradiddle.

The 26 rudiments
on this page are often identified as the Essential Rudiments of Drumming
by the National Association of Rudimental Drummers. Over the years other
rudiments have been developed, and have been added to the original 26.
These rudiments are identified as the Percussive
Arts Society International Drum Rudiments.
Please note
that the rudiments on this page are taken from Rubank 1946, and the notation
represents traditional notation. The notation of these rudiments as identified
by PASIC are found on the PASIC Rudiments page, and should be construed
as current. Please don't email me with corrections!
Here are the Twenty-Six
Essential Rudiments of Drumming, numbered, and in order. Feel free to print
this page for future reference.
1. The Long Roll (or Double-Stroke
Roll, or Buzz Roll)
